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How to Measure Customer Experience (CX) in 2020

According to a B2B Marketing survey, two-thirds of marketers plan to make customer experience (CX) a priority over the next year. More than a quarter of those surveyed are prioritizing CX before the year-end to get ahead. The companies that are fine-tuning their customer-centric CX programs experienced strong revenue growth and ROI, reporting more than 2X return on their […]

happy face and 5 stars
How to Quickly Analyze and Act on Customer Feedback

Whether you’re analyzing qualitative NPS feedback or trying to understand what’s driving a dip in sales, the exercise we go through is the same—we roll up our sleeves and dive into customer feedback data.  Our first goal is to understand what customers are saying about our company and their experience with our products. In most cases, this […]

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How to Benchmark Your Customer Feedback Trends Against Competitor...

Competition tends to change faster than your team can react. Using Loop, you can keep up with your technical differentiation (and the perceived value of that differentiation) across your competitive landscape, so that frontline sales teams can proactively play offense and defense.  In this article, you’ll learn how to:  Search for your competitors and connect […]