New NPS Survey Features in Loop

LoopVOC NPS Survey Upload Tool

Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an important metric to help measure customer happiness. The number by itself, however, doesn’t provide the context needed to analyze and solve issues impacting the customer experience. The real value is in the qualitative customer feedback behind the score

Organizations can ask questions such as:

  • How likely are you to recommend our business to a friend or colleague?
  • How satisfied are you with [insert product name]?
  • Why would you not recommend us?
  • What did you find most valuable?
  • What can we improve upon?

Responses to these survey questions help us understand where customers place the most value, how well we’re delivering value throughout the customer journey, and where we should prioritize resources to improve the experience.  

Understanding the context of your NPS score is critical, but getting there takes a lot of manual effort. Often, teams must read and tag every comment in spreadsheets to identify key feedback trends. The process of identifying issues makes solving issues quickly nearly impossible. 

To help solve this challenge, LoopVOC has rolled out a new NPS survey upload tool. No more tagging NPS feedback in spreadsheets. It’s now easier than ever to extract meaningful insights from the qualitative responses impacting your NPS score, so that you can proactively solve issues rather than spending energy guessing or searching for the why. 

 Loop’s new NPS survey upload tool, allows you to:

  • upload any CSV with NPS response data
  • instantly see which topics are most frequently mentioned
  • isolate topics with negative sentiment
  • track and respond to trending issues over time 


This is just the start of making NPS feedback easy to analyze and act on. We are working on direct integrations with your favorite NPS tools like Delighted and ChurnZero, to instantly analyze as it is captured. 

Start analyzing your NPS feedback.

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